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Try clearing the Cache


We are sorry you are having issues with eMatierials,  have you tried clearing your cache?

Here are the directions for clear cache in Chrome.

1.      On your computer, open Chrome.

2.      At the top right, click the three vertical dots.

3.      Click “More tools.” 

4.      Select “Clear browsing data.”

5.      At the top, choose a time range to delete. You want to select “All Time.” 

6.      Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.

7.      Last, select: Clear data.

Emptying your cache will require you to put in your passwords again, since those are saved by Chrome. Once that has been done, try accessing that EBSCO resources again.


Here are the directions for clear cache in FireFox

  1. From the History menu, select Clear Recent History. If the menu bar is hidden, press Alt to make it visible.
  2. From the Time range to clear: drop-down menu, select the desired range; to clear your entire cache, select Everything.
  3. Next to "Details", click the down arrow to choose which elements of the history to clear; to clear your entire cache, select all items.
  4. Click Clear Now.
  5. Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
  • Last Updated Jul 28, 2020
  • Views 201
  • Answered By Jocelyn Abel

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