How to tell if an eBook is Purchased or a Subscription


The library provides two types of eBooks, Purchased and Subscription

Here is how to tell the difference:

1. Search for an eBook using the search box, or advanced search. When found, Click on the title.

2.This will open the whole record for the eBook. Scroll to the bottom of the record to the "Access Online" carrot.

3. Under this section you will view whether the eBook is part of a subscription or Purchased. 

We offer both Subscription and Purchased eBooks that can be read on both the EBSCO platform and the ProQuest Platform. 

When you see “eBook Central Perpetual Titles.” for ProQuest that means we PURCHASED the item. Here is an example:


If you are uncertain about whether the eBook is purchased or subscribed, feel free to ask a Librarian

  • Last Updated May 19, 2022
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Jocelyn Abel

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